“A level of anxiety is a normal part of life and something every child will occasionally experience and be easily reassured through.
An anxiety disorder however, is different. The emotions that go alongside it, such as fear, panic, nervousness and low self esteem frequently have devastating effects on the child’s ability to engage and interact with life.
Anxiety disorders in children and teens are surprisingly common affecting more than one in ten. We know that when anxiety is left untreated, a child/teen is left floundering with emotions that they have no idea how to handle. All of their efforts are put into just ‘surviving’ which may result in depression, social withdrawal and consequently low school performance.
Through the teenage years, anxiety may be self managed through such things as eating disorders, substance abuse and at times risky behaviours. All of these are an adolescents unconscious way of managing feelings that are unbearable for them.”
“At Shine-through counselling we understand how hard it is for parents and carers to see their child go through their young lives, experiencing feelings that are so very painful.
It is every parents nightmare to watch their child suffer and struggle!
Anxiety is all consuming, we know that, we also know that it is treatable. There are a lot of very good information sources on managing anxiety ‘out there’ but amongst them, some that are not so helpful. It is vitally important to know what to do and what not to do to best help your child.
We also know that every child/teen is different and as such, their experiences with anxiety will be different. For this reason we like to speak with parents and the young person before putting a structured course/treatment plan into place.
Initially we would speak with you, the parent/carer, with the aim of establishing a supportive mutual alliance from which to work.
Once a plan is in place the therapist will begin working with your child. In these present times this will take place online. Establishing trust and understanding is important and vital to the work. We use a number of effective approaches including psycho education (to understand the biological and physiological forces behind anxiety), mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
We explain the concept of cognitive distortions, (the unhelpful thoughts that keep us stuck in a cycle of anxiety and depression) and challenge the unhelpful thinking that is holding your child back. We arrange to have regular check ins and use interactive worksheets plus experiential art to help process feelings and thoughts. We agree with the CBT approach and draw upon its principles as explanation and to cognitively consolidate the work.
Because we tailor our courses for each individual we can work with the many guises that anxiety comes in, always with patience, understanding and good humour.
We believe that working in partnership with parents/carers is the vital underpinning of a recovery from anxiety for your child. You are the expert on your own child. What we offer is support, guidance, and some tools to help you and your child/teen recover from anxiety and begin to experience and enjoy life again.”